SABINE GRQ-3121 Graphic Equalizer
Graphi-Q2: Eight DSP Products in One
The GRQ2 combines eight indispensable audio products into one very affordable, all-digital package — with an easy-to-use hands-on interface! With the touch of a fader you can shape your frequency response using the GRQ2's 31-band digital graphic EQ. Need more control? Use the parametric EQ to control your filter width, depth and frequency. Time align your speakers with the digital delay. Manage your system gain with the GRQ2 digital compressor/limiter. Finally, add 3 to 9 dB extra gain and automatic feedback control with Sabine's patented FBX technology.
Four models for every application
Only From Sabine Four models for every application
Pick the GRQ2 that works for your setup. Choose instant hands-on, front panel control or the blank front panel versions for the ultimate in system security and economy. RS-232 remote computer control, 20 onboard program memories, and remote switching via contact closures are standard in all GRQs (blank or active front panel). No other professional audio device gives you this level of control, this superb audio quality, at this low price.
No Limits on DSP Power.
No Limits on DSP Power.
You will never run out of DSP power because all GRQ2 functions run concurrently. Set as many filters as you need, and add as much gain management and delay as the job requires. There are no meters showing DSP usage, because you will never run out of power.
How do we do it?
Flexible Control
Front panels: The GRQ-3121 and GRQ-3122 provide hands-on, "analog style" front panel control for your digital graphic EQ, high & low cut filters, FBX, Compressor, and Delay. Sabine's Tweek 'n' Peek gives you an instant readout of your every move on the front panel.
The GRQ2 digital delay provides precise speaker alignment, with 20-microsecond resolution, at the touch of a button. And you get dedicated bypass switches for FBX, EQ and Delay with built-in LED indicators.
Sabine's GRQ2 Remote Control Software gives you instant access to all front panel controls and to an additional layer of functions. You can view and edit frequency response curves, view edits before executing them, and take advantage of unlimited GRQ2 file storage.
How do we do it?
- Our 24-bit A/D and D/A give the cleanest audio possible, and Analog Devices' new 32-bit floating-point SHARC digital processor powers every GRQ2, allowing simultaneous use of these eight essential functions:
- 31-band Digital Grahic EQ, with 6 or 12 dB range.
- Patented FBX Feedback Exterminator: up to 12 new FBX SmartFilters with Quick & Quiet Setup Mode.
- Parametric Filters, up to 12 with full graphic editing.
- High and Low Cut Filters.
- Crossover: 1x2, with Bessel, Linkwitz-Reily, and Butterworth filters, slopes to 48 dB.
- Limiter: Full-featured, including hard limiting for speaker protection.
- Compressor: Full-featured, switchable to stereo or mono.
- Delay: up to 1 second delay, adjustable in 20 microsecond increments.
- Crossover: Perfect for speaker control in mains and monitors.
- Mixed control for the front panel: Selectively enable control for each function on the front panel.
- New GRQ2 Remote Software: Compatible with all versions of Graphi-Qs.
- Channel specific preset save and recall: Create presets to apply to either channel, or both.
- Graphic Editing of Parametric Filters: Real-time filter drawing.
Flexible Control
Front panels: The GRQ-3121 and GRQ-3122 provide hands-on, "analog style" front panel control for your digital graphic EQ, high & low cut filters, FBX, Compressor, and Delay. Sabine's Tweek 'n' Peek gives you an instant readout of your every move on the front panel.
The GRQ2 digital delay provides precise speaker alignment, with 20-microsecond resolution, at the touch of a button. And you get dedicated bypass switches for FBX, EQ and Delay with built-in LED indicators.
Sabine's GRQ2 Remote Control Software gives you instant access to all front panel controls and to an additional layer of functions. You can view and edit frequency response curves, view edits before executing them, and take advantage of unlimited GRQ2 file storage.
Patented FBX Feedback Exterminator™ Industry standard automatic feedback control; works in setup and during the program. Super-accurate algorithm places filters on feedback, not on music.
The New GRQ2 Crossover: Allows for easy editing of all your crossver parameters, and allows for custom filter and slope selection on both sides of the crossover point by utilizing: Bessel, Linkwitz-Reily, and Butterworth filters (slopes to 48 dB).
GRQ2 Remote Control Software for Windows: Control up to 16 GRQ2 via computer. Includes serial port and software for remote control, and remote switching connections for selecting user-defined presets. You can download the latest release of GRQ2 Remote Control Software and/or the Upgrade Wizard for flashing your GRQ2 with the latest release of GRQ2 Firmware.
FREE Firmware Upgrades: GRQ2 firmware can be updated without losing any of your presets! And it's FREE!
More Important Graphi-Q2 Features
GRQ2 Remote Control software includes a BYPASS and ACTIVE matrix to manage the status of every GRQ2 function. Make fine adjustments to other GRQ2 functions, including graphic EQ filter widths, from ½ octave to one full octave, and adjust attack release, and knee on the compressor. We'll even show you a line graph of your gain structure, graphically displaying every parameter.
The single-channel GRQ2s have two outputs for maximum system flexibility. GRQ2 Remote allows you to independently choose which functions are active in each of the two outputs. For example, you can use one channel of a delayed speaker, and choose which other processing you want on that delayed channel: FBX, compressor/limiter, or equalizers. You can have independent delay or level settings on each output, or dedicate the outputs to the new 1x2 crossover.

New GRQ2 Software: Crossover Interface
New GRQ2 Software Main Screen Interface
Using your computer as a platform gives you unlimited memory storage of GRQ2 files. Each file holds up to 20 presets, and you can transfer these settings to the on-board memory locations within each GRQ2. You can also access all GRQ2 memory locations via the back-panel Euro-Block remote switching connectors. Using a simple contact closure switch, you can offer scene change options to users who have other access to any GRQ2 controls, and you can print a three-page report that records the setting of every prarameter in the GRQ2, including a frequency response curve.