Friday, April 22, 2011

Aphex 204 Aural Exciter

Price List Rp.3.850.000
Aphex 204 Aural Exciter
The Aphex Model 204 DRAMATICALLY enhances live, recorded, broadcast and webcast sound. The patented Aural Exciter enhances detail, clarity and imaging. It has even been scientifically proven to increase intelligibility. It pulls a vocal or an instrument up out of a mix. It punches up an entire mix, even in a noisy or reverberant environment. The new Optical Big Bottom adds low-end punch with deeper, more powerful bass. This enhanced bass can be packed into your tracks without overloading the recorder and into your PA system without adding more amps or speakers.
Extends high frequencies with no added noise
The Aural Exciter is more than just another "audio enhancer"; it actually extends your high frequencies for a greater perceived loudness without an introduction of noise into the audio path due to increased gain. Vocals and instruments leap out without raising individual volumes in the mix.

Gives low notes greater resonance
The same can be said for the Optical Big Bottom capabilities of the Model 204, except on the opposite end of the sonic spectrum. Big Bottom tightens and boosts the bass, allowing individual notes to be more articulated and recognizable, providing a deeper, more resonant bass without overloading the sound system.

Does all this with no increase in peak volume!
With the Model 204 in your setup, your audio will be fuller, bigger, and generally sound louder, but with little or no increase in peak volume. This is a versatile tool for a huge range of applications, from recording to broadcast to performance.

Aphex Aural Exciter 204 Features:

  • 2 independent channels
  • Internal power supply
  • Balanced XLR and 1/4" I/O
  • Increased presence and clarity
  • Deeper, more resonant bass
  • Restores natural brightness
  • Little or no increase in peak output
  • Greater perceived loudness
  • Tighter bass articulation
  • Improved detail and intelligibility
  • Extended low frequencies
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