Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sleishman Custom Snares

Price List Rp.2.670.000
Sleishman Custom Drum Snares
In most musical settings, the snare drum is the defining sound of any drummer. It is the back beat, the pocket and together with your kick drum, it’s at the very heart of your music.
For these reasons, snare drum choice is a very personal decision and one that should not be taken lightly. When building snare drums, we take this into consideration and give each drum the dedication it deserves in order to make it the best sounding snare possible.

Naturally, all of our snare drums incorporate our patented suspension system. As this system allows the shell to resonate to its maximum, so each Sleishman snare drum has much more going for it right from the start.
When you hear a Sleishman snare, the body of the drum is undeniably strong. Low, mid and high range frequencies are all in fine balance. This allows you tune it any way you wish, and the drum will perform in an instant and to its maximum potential.

Our snare shell diameters range from cracking 10” effect snares through to full- bodied 14” drums and standard depths range from 3” to 8” (increasing by depth increments of 0.5”).

Our highly developed bearing edges are indeed another unique feature of the SleishmanDrum. Constant analysis has led us to creating an edge that enables our snares to resonate to their maximum with a controlled length of note.
Each drum is machine lathed to our standard for complete head contact, precise circumference and absolute sensitivity. As we are on the subject of sensitivity, we should also mention here that our Snare Beds have also benefited from over thirty years of development. Each snare drum is carefully worked on to create a snare (wire) bed that enables complete control over the drums sensitivity at any tension.
Both bearing edges and the snare drum’s ‘snare bed’ are extremely important to any drums performance. We pride ourselves on our constant refinement in these areas.

At present, all of our snare shells are made from the highest of grade timber available. Apart from our ever- popular maple and birch lines, we also offer an extensive range of exotic woods, all built using the traditional ply, or by a choice of two block construction methods.

Currently, there are three types of construction that we offer.
All of which have unique tonal properties.

Ply Construction -
The Industry Standard. The main plywood method of construction we employ is cross laminating each ply in opposite directions from the one before it. This form of construction gives both strength and resilience
The resonance of cross laminate shells (depending on ply amounts) is outstanding. Our 6 to 8 ply shells have excellent resonance and nice a low fundamental note (superb for toms)
For snares, we recommend 10 ply for extra rigidity and a higher pitch under tension.

‘Brick Block' –
This method of construction utilizes small pieces of curved shell, shafted together (horizontally) and built layer by layer in the same fashion a typical brick wall would be built.
It not as widely used as the traditional ply or stave methods. However, it is a brilliant way to build a rigid, resonant shell that highlights natural wood tones.
Great for snare drums,‘brick block' allows the drum to resonate at both low and high tension.You can crank ‘em right up to get all the bite you need

Stave Construction –
When you are looking for a snare that absolutely cuts, this method delivers the goods!
Vertical ‘staves’, like the brick (horizontal block) method, are shafted into each other to form the drum shell. The strength and rigidity of these shells is fantastic. The tonal qualities provided are perfect for snare drums. High end crack that could seriously shatter glass!
Plenty of resonant body for mid range frequencies. Also, this method conducts snare sensitivity extremely well. Thanks to the rigidity in construction, all of this can occur with minimal tension placed on the shell.
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