Friday, April 29, 2011

HBE CPR Compressor Retro

Price List Rp.1.960.000
HBECPR Compressor Retro
The Homebrew Electronics CPR Compressor Retro.
The HBE CPR is modeled after a coveted vintage compressor circuit. It's a pedal you may want on all of the time. The CPR is extremely transparent and quiet. Use it on any instrument to obtain the singing sustain without the hiss, noise and annoyances associated with other compression pedals. The CPR sounds best when ran thru the input of a tube amp. Never run the CPR thru an effects loop

  • Input-Instrument in. Unplug when not in use to conserve battery life.
  • Out-Out to amp
  • 9VDC jack-for use with -(Negative) center, 9VDC, filtered, and regulated power supply.
  • Sustain-Raising the sustain control will increase the amount of compression and sustain from subtle to a poppy, percussive attack. Volume goes up as the sustain control is increased so you may have to adjust the level control accordingly.
  • Level -Varies the amount of output.
  • Attack-Controls how quickly the compressor acts to compress the signal. With the Attack knob all the way down the CPR has a more open sound. As the control is turned up the compression effect becomes more evident. It seems like a subtle control at first but with a little experimenting you will find the sweet spot for your sound.
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