Monday, November 21, 2011

Pearl Primero Cajon PBC507

Price List Rp.1.050.000
Pearl Primero Cajon PBC507
Here we have 2 traditionally shaped cajons from the Primero and Elite range. The Primero box cajon is made from Asiatic Pine with a Gypsy Brown matt lacquer finish, while the Elite is constructed of harder Para Wood and is stained Amaranth Red.

Both models have 4 internal snare wires which are adjusted (i.e. tightened or loosend) using internal tuning pegs which are identical to guitar tuning pegs. Pearl’s documentation states that the snares can be turned off for “Peruvian style playing” or left on for “Spanish Flamenco style” playing. However, there is no simple way to turn them off as you have on a snare drum. What you do have is a basic Velcro strip across the wires which can be removed or left in place.
If you remove the Velcro strip the snares sound louder of course, however, if you leave the Velcro strip in place the snares are dampened somewhat, but still affect the sound. Not a very effective method actually. Some kind of on/off external knob would be preferable because getting the velcro strip back in the correct place when you can’t actually see what you are doing (because your hand is inside the cajon and the access hole is not very large) is a tricky process to say the least! I think most players would choose to leave the snares on anyway because for me the resulting sound is nicer, the snares providing a welcome element to the sound.

  • Models: PBC507 Primero Box Cajon in Gypsy Brown
  • Shell: Asiatic Pine
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